How to Comment Out Multiple Lines in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

Hen Nagel
8 Min Read

Python is a versatile and widely-used programming language, celebrated for its simplicity and readability. As with any coding language, writing clear, maintainable code is crucial.

Comments play a significant role in achieving this goal, allowing developers to explain their code, annotate complex logic, and temporarily disable specific parts of the program without deleting them.

In this blog, we’ll explore how to comment out multiple lines in Python, the benefits of doing so, and the tools available to make this process efficient.

What Are Comments in Python?

Comments in Python are lines of text in your code that the Python interpreter ignores during execution. They are primarily used for:

  • Documentation: Explaining what the code does.
  • Debugging: Temporarily disabling code without deleting it.
  • Collaboration: Helping teams understand each other’s code.

Single-line comments in Python begin with the # symbol. For example:

# This is a single-line comment
print("Hello, World!")

But what if you need to comment out multiple lines? Let’s dive into the different methods Python offers.

Methods to Comment Out Multiple Lines in Python

1. Using # for Each Line

The simplest way to comment out multiple lines is to add a # symbol at the beginning of each line. This method is straightforward and works well for small blocks of code.


# This is line 1 of the comment
# This is line 2 of the comment
# This is line 3 of the comment
print("This line will execute")

While effective, this method can become tedious if you need to comment out a large block of code.

2. Triple Quotes as a Multi-Line Comment Hack

Although Python does not have a native multi-line comment syntax, you can use triple quotes (''' or """) to achieve a similar effect. Triple quotes are typically used for multi-line strings, but they can also serve as comments since the Python interpreter ignores unassigned string literals.


This is a multi-line comment.
It spans several lines.
Useful for large code blocks.
print("This line will execute")

Note: This method should be used cautiously. Because triple-quoted strings are not actual comments, they may impact memory if mistakenly assigned to a variable.

3. Using IDE or Text Editor Shortcuts

Modern Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and text editors, such as PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, and Sublime Text, offer shortcuts to comment out multiple lines quickly. This approach is highly efficient for large codebases.

Example in Visual Studio Code:

  • Highlight the lines you want to comment out.
  • Press Ctrl + / (Windows) or Cmd + / (Mac).

This action automatically adds a # to the beginning of each selected line.

4. Block Comments Using Code Editors

Some advanced editors allow you to create block comments for better organization. Block comments are used to annotate entire sections of code, typically separated by asterisks or dashes for visual clarity.


# ***************************************
# This section handles user authentication
# ***************************************

def login(user, password):

Benefits of Commenting Out Multiple Lines

Commenting out multiple lines has numerous advantages:

  1. Debugging: Temporarily disable parts of the code to identify errors or test specific functions.
  2. Clarity: Annotate complex logic for future reference or collaboration with teammates.
  3. Version Control: Retain older versions of code within the script while testing new changes.
  4. Improved Maintenance: Make code easier to understand and modify over time.

Common Use Cases for Multi-Line Comments

  • Documenting Complex Algorithms Provide a detailed explanation of algorithms or calculations that are not immediately intuitive.
  • Temporarily Disabling Features Comment out experimental or unused features without deleting them entirely.
  • Collaborative Projects Add detailed comments to help team members understand your work.

Tips for Effective Commenting

  1. Be Concise: Write comments that are brief but informative. Avoid over-explaining obvious code.
  2. Use Consistent Formatting: Follow a consistent style for comments, such as using block comments for major sections and single-line comments for brief notes.
  3. Avoid Over-Commenting: Not every line needs a comment. Focus on areas where explanations add value.
  4. Update Comments Regularly: Ensure your comments remain relevant as the code evolves.

Advanced Tools for Managing Comments

Several tools and extensions can help manage comments effectively in Python projects:

  1. Linters: Tools like Flake8 and pylint check your code for proper formatting and provide feedback on unnecessary or outdated comments.
  2. Code Beautifiers: Extensions like Black and Prettier can reformat your code and comments for better readability.
  3. Documentation Generators: Use tools like Sphinx to convert comments into professional-grade documentation.

Pitfalls to Avoid

  1. Leaving Debugging Comments Temporary debugging comments, such as print statements, should be removed once testing is complete.
  2. Relying Solely on Comments Instead of over-commenting, write self-explanatory code with meaningful variable and function names.
  3. Using Triple Quotes Unintentionally Avoid assigning triple-quoted strings meant as comments to variables, as this can lead to unintended behavior.

Example Project with Multi-Line Comments

Let’s apply what we’ve learned in a simple Python script:

# ***************************************
# Example: Calculate the factorial of a number
# ***************************************

def factorial(n):
    This function calculates the factorial of a number using recursion.
        n (int): The number to calculate the factorial for.
        int: The factorial of the input number.
    if n == 0 or n == 1:
        return 1
    return n * factorial(n - 1)

# Uncomment the following lines to test the function
# print(factorial(5))  # Expected output: 120
# print(factorial(0))  # Expected output: 1

In this example:

  • Block comments describe the overall purpose of the code.
  • Triple-quoted strings document the function.
  • Debugging print statements are commented out for optional testing.

Commenting out multiple lines in Python is a simple yet powerful practice that enhances code readability, collaboration, and debugging.

Whether you use the # symbol, triple quotes, or IDE shortcuts, mastering this skill will make you a more effective programmer.

Commenting Out in Python Video

By following best practices and leveraging modern tools, you can maintain clean, well-documented code that stands the test of time.

Now that you know how to comment out multiple lines in Python, take some time to practice and incorporate these techniques into your coding routine.

Clear comments don’t just help you; they benefit everyone who interacts with your code, including your future self.

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